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Estate Litigationwith DBM Law

Professional Estate Lawyers for Estate Litigation

This can include whether or not the Will truly reflects the intentions of the deceased, and whether a Court should vary the Will in order to provide for the deceased’s surviving spouse and children.

Our estate litigation lawyers understand that the decision to challenge the revisions of a Will can be extremely difficult to make. In emotionally challenging cases, good legal advice is essential. For over 45 years, our estate lawyers have handled difficult situations with tact and understanding while providing expert and timely legal advice. If you are involved in an estate dispute, don’t hesitate to contact any of our estate lawyers to arrange a consultation.

About Estate Litigation and Contesting a Will

A child or spouse of the deceased can apply to the Court to have a Will declared null and void on the basis that it was not executed properly, made as a result of undue influence, or made without the necessary capacity required. If the application is successful, an earlier Will prevails. If there is no earlier Will, the deceased is deemed to have died without a Will, and the Estate Administration Act will apply.

Under the Wills, Estates, and Succession Act, a spouse or child may apply to the Court if they feel the Will of the deceased did not make adequate provisions for them. If you feel that a Will did not accurately reflect the wishes of the deceased, be sure to contact our lawyers for a consultation. Our estate litigation experts can review your case and help you get the results you deserve.

How Can We Help You Today?

604-939-8321 211 - 1015 Austin Ave.
Coquitlam, BC,
V3K 3N9

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