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Six Answers To This Vitally Important Question In 1974, the government created ICBC – the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia – to make sure every driver in the province is protected by basic auto insurance. This not only protected the driver, it also protected passengers and the public. If anyone was injured in an accident, …Continued
3 Reasons Why You May Not Realize You’re Injured Until Later You’ve been in a car accident but were able to walk away. Things could have been much worse, but “walking away” from a car accident doesn’t mean you haven’t sustained an injury. Often, symptoms of injuries don’t show up until days or even weeks …Continued
It’s the last thing on our minds when we head off on our winter getaway, but personal injuries while on vacation can and do happen. Whether you suffer a slip and fall, a car crash, or some other type of accident, knowing how to take care of a personal injury issue suffered abroad will give …Continued
First, is there anyone in your car that needs medical attention; that includes your self? If so, call 911 immediately. Also, if there looks to be over a thousand dollars in damage to your vehicle or it is unsafe to drive, call the police. Now, take another breath and start to gather as much physical …Continued
There is indication that drastic changes to the way ICBC is set up will be brought into effect as soon as next year—without consultation with outside legal experts or members of the public. The change, which will see ICBC go from a tort system to a no-fault system, is to be brought in as a …Continued
The majority of motor vehicle accidents occur in intersections. This is likely a surprise to no one, as every driver knows that navigating a busy intersection requires utmost attention. With traffic coming in multiple directions and in many cases pedestrians and cycle lanes to account for, the potential for a collision rises greatly. When it …Continued
In British Columbia, the rules of the road are laid out by the Motor Vehicle Act, many sections of which have direct impact on any personal injury claim you may make following a car accident. Following the rules of the MVA means that if you are involved in an accident and suffer an injury due …Continued
One of the Lower Mainland’s best features is its proximity to the mountains. All the hiking, trail running, mountain biking, and skiing you could ever want to do is literally just right there. Though it’s not a situation any of us would like to imagine ourselves in, it’s an unfortunate truth that the mountains and …Continued
When you’re a freelancer, an entrepreneur, or an independent contractor—whatever you choose to call it—the defining fact about your employment is that you are your own boss. You’ve broken away from traditional employment models and are going it alone. But does that mean that along with your timecard and coffee breaks with coworkers, you’ve also …Continued