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“I feel the need—the need for speed,” declared Tom Cruise’s iconic character Maverick in Top Gun. Whether running late for an appointment or just in hurry to start the weekend—we’ve all felt that same need. While the impulse to speed may be universal, the truth is speeding is a major contributor to motor vehicle accidents …Continued
Prior to June 10, 2019 receiving a violation ticket in British Columbia would not affect your insurance rates. Instead ICBC would collect revenue from certain offences and points by conducting a calculation under either the Driver Penalty Point Premium program or the Driver Risk Premium program. Point premiums are assessed based on how many points …Continued
When you are served with a violation ticket in BC, such as for speeding or using an electronic device while driving, you have 30 days from the date you are served the ticket to register a dispute either in person or by mail. If you fail to do so, after 30 days you are deemed …Continued
A case was recently decided by the Supreme Court of British Columbia that will have a huge impact on how distracted driving laws are enforced and decided in provincial court. The decision in the case is that “use” is a necessary element of the offence. Most people have not read the Motor Vehicle Act or the Use …Continued
Drivers are sometimes confused by what they are required to do by law as they approach an intersection and the traffic light turns from green to yellow. This situation is governed by the Motor Vehicle Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 318. A lot of drivers assume that they can accelerate their vehicle to try to get …Continued
Many people don’t realize the various roadside prohibitions, driving offences or measures the government, or more specifically the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles (AKA RoadSafetyBC), can take to revoke a person’s driving privileges. Given how important licenses are to person’s livelihood, we know how important it is to assist our clients get their driving prohibitions cancelled. …Continued
There have been some major changes to impaired driving laws in the past year, on both Provincial and Federal Levels. The most recent changes, brought in by Bill C-46, are likely to be challenged on a constitutional level, but until that happens you need to be aware of what has changed. The new laws took …Continued
You can probably recall a time where you were waiting to turn left, across oncoming traffic, to either enter a parking lot or another street. Sometimes, your view is obstructed and another motorist “waves” or “gestures” for you to go ahead. The Courts have been clear…MORE First Published May 29, 2015
Day light savings has come and gone, and we are now subject to shorter days and longer nights. It is around this time of year that we see an increased number of pedestrians struck by vehicles. It is a common misconception that when a car strikes a pedestrian and causes injury, that the driver of …Continued