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[intlink id=”68″ type=”page”]Chris Bacon[/intlink] and [intlink id=”70″ type=”page”]Sharene Orstad[/intlink] joined Gordon Hilliker, Q.C. in representing 18 year old Jeffrey Rimmer who suffered permanent irreversible brain damage when the car he was driving crashed into logs after hitting flood waters on the east side of the Salmon River Bridge in Langley Township. The case is significant because it …Continued
In Rimmer (Guardian ad litem of) v. Langley (Township) 2007 BCCA 350, Langley Township appealed the trial judge’s ruling on its liability in the Rimmer case but failed to convince BC’s Court of Appeal that it should disturb the trial judge’s findings. To read the Court of Appeal’s full decision click here. Note: References to …Continued