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It is that time of year again. Snow is in the forecast for the Tri-Cities and the Greater Vancouver Area, and for the next few months all of B.C will be facing whatever winter throws at us. In winter conditions, it is important for you to drive safely and know both you and your vehicles …Continued
Unpaid traffic tickets received in Washington State can lead to criminal charges, fine, imprisonment and the loss of your nexus card. If you live in British Columbia and have unpaid traffic tickets from Washington, you could face criminal charges, fine and imprisonment, and the loss of your Nexus card if you are caught driving south …Continued
In Vahman v Cutt et al., 2015 BCSC 298, Mr. Vahman was travelling west on 23rd Avenue in North Vancouver intending to turn left into the parking lot of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He was stopped in a designated left turn lane waiting to turn into the parking lot. Meanwhile, Mr. Smith was travelling eastbound in …Continued
You can probably recall a time where you were waiting to turn left, across oncoming traffic, to either enter a parking lot or another street. Sometimes, your view is obstructed and another motorist “waves” or “gestures” for you to go ahead. The Courts have been clear that reliance on another motorist’s “wave” or “gesture” will …Continued
Recently DBM partner [intlink id=”66″ type=”page”]Joe McStravick[/intlink] represented a client who was injured in a motor vehicle accident that resulted in soft tissue damage around the plaintiff’s spine and neck. The injury occurred on May 23, 2008, while the plaintiff, Mr. Jackson, was driving his work vehicle. The accident was the result of another vehicle rapidly …Continued