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There is a reason settlement loans exist as an industry. After an injury, victims have little or no wage replacement coverage. Employment Insurance will pay a maximum of $562 per week for 15 weeks if a doctor will certify the victim is unable to work. For victims who are not covered by EI and can …Continued
The Civil Resolutions Tribunal (the “CRT”) is an innovative, online only tribunal that is unique to British Columbia. So what can the CRT do for you? What is the Civil Resolutions Tribunal? The CRT hears and resolves small claims and strata disputes through an online portal. For small claims disputes, the claim must be under …Continued
Both the holdback and the power to lien come from the Builders Lien Act (the “Act”). The purpose of the act is twofold: To provide security for contractors and subcontractors who work on a construction project To limit the owner of a properties liability The Act requires all persons on a project to retain 10% …Continued
On February 1, 2017, BC became the 6th province in Canada to enact franchise legislation. The Act applies to the following franchise agreements when a franchisee is operating wholly or partly in British Columbia: new franchise agreements entered into on or after February 1, 2017; existing franchise agreements that are renewed or extended on or …Continued
Most of us assume when making our will that the terms we write down will be carried out in accordance with our wishes and that our assets will be distributed to those people we name. This, however, is not up always the case. Under the Wills and Succession Act, [SBC 2009] Chapter 13, ( WESA), …Continued
Denied or Cut Off Long Term Disability Benefits or CPP Disability? Unable to Work? Step 1 Do not quit your job! If you are too sick to work due to injury or sickness, do not quit your job. Step 2 Provide medical note to employer Instead, get a medical note and consider what benefits …Continued
It’s not unusual for parents to have a jointly held bank account with an adult child. The question that arises upon the death of the parent, especially if there are other children of the deceased parent, is whose money is it? The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that when a parent makes a gratuitous …Continued
How can I appeal it when they’ve denied my claim? If your travel insurance claim for emergency medical services while travelling outside BC or Canada was denied, you must take steps immediately to: Determine if your travel insurer has already submitted a claim to the BC Medical Plan for basic coverage on your behalf; If …Continued
BC drivers involved in motor vehicle accident will likely have insurance coverage through ICBC for repairs to their vehicle. If your vehicle is determined to be a total loss, your insurance may pay you the cash value, or may pay for a replacement vehicle depending on the age and condition of your vehicle and the …Continued