Cyclists are often unaware that while riding their bikes on the road, they have the same rights and duties as a driver of a vehicle. In particular, pursuant to section 158 of the Motor Vehicle Act, cyclists and drivers the vehicles are limited in their ability to pass a vehicle on the right-hand side, with certain exceptions, such as when the vehicle being overtaken is making a left turn or its driver has signaled his or her intention to make a left turn, when passing on a laned roadway, or when passing on a one-way street where room permits. Even with these exceptions, passing on the right cannot be made if it is “unsafe” to do so.
We often see fast moving cyclists in the curb lane passing vehicles on the right-hand side of the road in heavy, slow-moving , rush hour traffic. If a cyclist was overtaking a vehicle stopped in rush hour traffic and the vehicle driver decided to make a right-hand turn into a parking lot for example and there was a collision between the vehicle and a cyclist, the cyclist may be found to be partially if not fully at fault for the accident. If the cyclist is found to be fully at fault for the accident, they would not be entitled to compensation for any injuries they sustained in the accident.
To try and keep themselves safe, cyclists should make themselves aware of the rules of the road just as all drivers of a vehicle should be aware of the rules of the road.
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