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Introduction In 2020, the BC Government introduced new legislation to save costs on car accidents’ personal injury claims. The law limited the number of expert witnesses to just three, and $3,000.00 was the highest amount an unsuccessful party could recover for the cost of an expert report. In a further effort to limit expenses, the …Continued
When you are talking with a lawyer regarding your estate planning, a topic that will come up immediately is who the executor is going to be. What is an Executor? An executor, or an executrix, administers an individual’s estate when they pass away based on the information the deceased left in their Last Will and …Continued
As your local law firm in Coquitlam, we are here to provide clear answers to your questions and help you understand available options when it comes to legal matters. In this blog, we are covering what happens if you are involved in litigation and are concerned that the opposing party may dispose of certain assets. The …Continued
As your local law firm in Coquitlam, we are here to provide clear answers to your questions and help you understand all of your available options. In this blog, we will discuss the key points you need to know about regarding a Certificate of Pending Litigation (CPL). In a scenario, if you are claiming another …Continued
Introduction Of The New Act In British Columbia As your local law firm in Coquitlam we are here to provide timely updates to new legal changes that might affect your family or your business. The Province of British Columbia has formed a new registry under the Land Owner Transparency Act, with the aim to make …Continued
Failure to pay rent and/or utilities? A bad tenant can be a real headache for a landlord. While it is always better to sort issues out with your tenant as evictions can often prove costly, if eviction is necessary, it’s a good idea to begin by calling a litigation lawyer. You want to make sure …Continued
FIVE THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN DECIDING HOW TO OWN A PROPERTY WITH ANOTHER PERSON When you purchase a property in BC with another person (or other people), you can own that property in one of two ways: Joint Tenancy or Tenancy-In-Common. When making that decision, consider these five issues. 1. What is Tenancy-In-Common? Tenancy-In-Common is …Continued
Are you considering listing your property for sale? As a seller, your primary obligation to the buyer is to deliver a clear title, where the property will not be subject to any financial encumbrances or charges. However, some financial charges are more obvious than others. Before listing your property, a title search can ensure that …Continued
Failure to pay rent and utilities? Damaged property? Excessive noise at all hours of the night? A bad tenant can be a real headache for a landlord. While it is always better to sort issues out with your tenant as evictions can often prove costly, if eviction is necessary, it’s a good idea to …Continued