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Prior to her death, but after the estrangement with her daughters had ended, Mary visited her in-laws. Mary told her in-laws that “When I go, the girls will be in for a real shock, ha, ha, they don’t know that the house will be sold by the lawyer, and he will look after everything”. Her …Continued
Introduction There is an old adage that goes “you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.” Friendship is an association by choice, while family is an association through birth. The law treats them differently. And in a passing observation, the law regulates the association through the happy accident of birth much more …Continued
Most of us assume when making our will that the terms we write down will be carried out in accordance with our wishes and that our assets will be distributed to those people we name. This, however, is not up always the case. Under the Wills and Succession Act, [SBC 2009] Chapter 13, ( WESA), …Continued
It’s not unusual for parents to have a jointly held bank account with an adult child. The question that arises upon the death of the parent, especially if there are other children of the deceased parent, is whose money is it? The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that when a parent makes a gratuitous …Continued
You may have heard about a Representation Agreement before, which is a key legal document that a person in British Columbia needs to plan for their own personal health care. A Representation Agreement is a legally enforceable document that can be used if you are not able to speak for yourself. If you are unconscious …Continued
If you were a client at DBM, you would hear us talk about wills and estate planning a lot. That’s because, if you have any assets, children or a life partner, there is simply no more important document you can make than your will. Your will makes sure that your precise wishes are carried out …Continued
You have probably heard repeatedly that there are few financial aspects of your life more important than having a valid, up-to-date will. The estate lawyers at DBM warn that should you die without a will – legally called dying “intestate” – than your assets could be distributed in ways you did not intend. This is …Continued
Future and estate planning is always an important task for each and every individual, but if one is terminally ill or expects to become incapacitated in future, then it becomes an extremely high priority. Whether or not you find yourself in such a medical situation, along with drafting a last will and testament, there are …Continued
In the British Columbia courts, a person’s last will can be contested under the Wills Variation Act. Wills variation claims arise when a child or spouse feels they have not been adequately provided for within a will or when there is another dispute over the fair dispersal of an estate. To avoid this legal process—which …Continued