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DBM Law Blog

Our law firm blog is your legal information resource for the latest tips, news, and legal information online. Using the categories on this page, you can navigate to the area of practice you are most interested in. Whether you are searching for information regarding Family Law, Business Law, Real Estate Law, Personal Injury Law, or anything in between, our law firm blog offers a wealth of information to browse.

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Wills and Estates 2016/10/24

8 Estate Planning Considerations for Stepfamilies

As the National Post has put it, stepfamilies are becoming the “new normal” in Canada. This is made evident by the fact that in 2011, the census counted stepfamilies for the first time, revealing that 12.6% of families in Canada are stepfamilies. With this ever-expanding family category comes expanded estate planning considerations. It’s not surprising … Continued

Wills and Estates 2016/09/27

3 Reasons Why Parents Disinherit Children

Disinheritance occurs when a person legally excludes someone from their will who would normally be considered an heir. This includes spouses, children, and grandchildren. Drafting a will in which you disinherit a child requires an intricate knowledge of the British Columbia legal system to avoid the possible redistribution of your estate under the Wills Variation … Continued

Wills and Estates 2016/08/31

3 Types of Trusts

Setting up a trust happens for several reasons. These include ensuring family members’ financial stability in the future, donating funding to a favourite charity, and providing security for a dependent who has disabilities. A trust is a legal relationship in which one person (the “settlor”) declares that some of their assets are to be used … Continued

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