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I Have Been Involved in a Hit and Run Motor Vehicle Accident – What do I do?

DBM Law Blog

Don’t panic – just because the other driver fled the scene, it doesn’t mean that you have lost your ability to make a claim for compensation.
If your accident took place on a highway in British Columbia, you may still be able to make a claim , just make sure that you have made all reasonable efforts to ascertain the identity of the unknown over and driver.
What are “Reasonable Efforts”?
According to BC case law and section 24 of the Insurance (Vehicle) Act:
You Must:

  • Make note of all of the specific information that you recall about the other vehicle including the colour, make, model, license plate number of the car as well as a description of the other driver;
  • At the scene – get the contact information of all witnesses who will be able to attest to the fact that an accident took place, and that the other vehicle fled the scene;
  • Within 24 hours of the accident, or as soon as possible – notify the local police about the accident. Advise them of all of the details that you recall of the other vehicle and driver; and,
  • Within six-months of the accident – notify ICBC of a potential claim. Once the six-month time limit is up, you are no longer able to bring a claim for a hit and run accident. TIP: Call ICBC after you’ve called the police, it’s the smartest way to make sure you don’t drop the ball on this limitation.

You Should also do AT LEAST One of the Following:

  • Post a visible sign at and around the accident scene looking for witnesses;
  • Post an ad online – Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist, Kajiji; and/or,
  • Advertise in the local newspaper.

Just because the other driver fled the scene, it doesn’t mean that he or she will be found 100% responsible for the accident. You still have to show that the unidentified motorist was negligent and need to be able to explain why you were unable to obtain the identity of the unknown motorist or their license plate number.
Been in a hit and run motor vehicle accident? Not to worry, we can help guide you through the process and will be able to achieve a great resolution to your claim – just give us a call!


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