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Life insurance products vary in price and terms. Many workers have group policies with term life coverage and never read the terms. Other individuals, managers or professionals may also purchase wealth achiever plans or other professional group term policies with the assistance of a broker. Persons with mortgages often purchase life insurance for the balance …Continued
“I feel the need—the need for speed,” declared Tom Cruise’s iconic character Maverick in Top Gun. Whether running late for an appointment or just in hurry to start the weekend—we’ve all felt that same need. While the impulse to speed may be universal, the truth is speeding is a major contributor to motor vehicle accidents …Continued
There are time limits for spousal support applications for legally married spouses and spouses living in a marriage–like relationship. Spouses intending to make a claim of support against their spouse after separation should be aware that there are different time limitations for making the claim for support, depending on whether or not they were legally …Continued
When a couple goes through the difficult process of separating and/or divorcing and have children, the issue of which parent is going to have custody comes up. There are different kinds of custody in BC: Sole custody: one parent is in charge of caring for and making decisions for the child. Joint custody: both parents …Continued
The Empty Homes Tax is a new tax on vacant or under-utilized properties within Greater Vancouver. We discussed the definitions and exemptions of this tax in an earlier blog post: The Empty Homes Tax in Vancouver. With the introduction of the tax, some property owners have found themselves fighting for their exemptions. Today, this post …Continued
There is a reason settlement loans exist as an industry. After an injury, victims have little or no wage replacement coverage. Employment Insurance will pay a maximum of $562 per week for 15 weeks if a doctor will certify the victim is unable to work. For victims who are not covered by EI and can …Continued
A separation can have a profound effect on the family. When parents separate, they will either, through agreement or through the courts, decide on when and how they will spend time with their children. But Grandparents with a close relationship with their grandchildren are often left out of such agreements or orders. If you are …Continued
Under British Columbia’s Family Law Act, the rule of thumb is that all ‘family property’ will be divided equally between spouses when they separate. There are obvious exceptions to this rule, which will be covered in a future blog, but that does beg the question was is ‘family property? The easiest way to answer that …Continued
The Civil Resolutions Tribunal (the “CRT”) is an innovative, online only tribunal that is unique to British Columbia. So what can the CRT do for you? What is the Civil Resolutions Tribunal? The CRT hears and resolves small claims and strata disputes through an online portal. For small claims disputes, the claim must be under …Continued