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Prior to June 10, 2019 receiving a violation ticket in British Columbia would not affect your insurance rates. Instead ICBC would collect revenue from certain offences and points by conducting a calculation under either the Driver Penalty Point Premium program or the Driver Risk Premium program. Point premiums are assessed based on how many points …Continued
Both the holdback and the power to lien come from the Builders Lien Act (the “Act”). The purpose of the act is twofold: To provide security for contractors and subcontractors who work on a construction project To limit the owner of a properties liability The Act requires all persons on a project to retain 10% …Continued
When you are served with a violation ticket in BC, such as for speeding or using an electronic device while driving, you have 30 days from the date you are served the ticket to register a dispute either in person or by mail. If you fail to do so, after 30 days you are deemed …Continued
Owner/Occupier Duty of Care – Part 1 If you have been injured in a slip and fall or trip on property, you may be entitled to compensation from the owner, occupier, or contractor responsible for the property. At common law, a person has a duty to take reasonable care for their own safety, to keep …Continued
YES! In Shopyk Estate, 2017 BCSC 2335, the validity of handwritten notes was brought to question during the estate litigation. A Deceased made a Will in 1995 which gave different shares to each of his two siblings and three nieces and nephews as residual beneficiaries. The Deceased became ill and prior to his death, told …Continued
In our experience in handling estate litigation claims in Coquitlam, we’ve come across our share of succession story conundrums. Here’s a unique one: Can you change your Will after it’s signed by “whiting out” or crossing out the name of a beneficiary? Under the right circumstances, the answer is: Yes. This is a question the …Continued
Prior to her death, but after the estrangement with her daughters had ended, Mary visited her in-laws. Mary told her in-laws that “When I go, the girls will be in for a real shock, ha, ha, they don’t know that the house will be sold by the lawyer, and he will look after everything”. Her …Continued
Introduction There is an old adage that goes “you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.” Friendship is an association by choice, while family is an association through birth. The law treats them differently. And in a passing observation, the law regulates the association through the happy accident of birth much more …Continued
On February 1, 2017, BC became the 6th province in Canada to enact franchise legislation. The Act applies to the following franchise agreements when a franchisee is operating wholly or partly in British Columbia: new franchise agreements entered into on or after February 1, 2017; existing franchise agreements that are renewed or extended on or …Continued