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Most of us assume when making our will that the terms we write down will be carried out in accordance with our wishes and that our assets will be distributed to those people we name. This, however, is not up always the case. Under the Wills and Succession Act, [SBC 2009] Chapter 13, ( WESA), …Continued
A case was recently decided by the Supreme Court of British Columbia that will have a huge impact on how distracted driving laws are enforced and decided in provincial court. The decision in the case is that “use” is a necessary element of the offence. Most people have not read the Motor Vehicle Act or the Use …Continued
Drivers are sometimes confused by what they are required to do by law as they approach an intersection and the traffic light turns from green to yellow. This situation is governed by the Motor Vehicle Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 318. A lot of drivers assume that they can accelerate their vehicle to try to get …Continued
Denied or Cut Off Long Term Disability Benefits or CPP Disability? Unable to Work? Step 1 Do not quit your job! If you are too sick to work due to injury or sickness, do not quit your job. Step 2 Provide medical note to employer Instead, get a medical note and consider what benefits …Continued
Special and Extraordinary Expenses: When Child Support Isn’t Enough You get child support payments from your ex-spouse. Often times though, those child support payments are not enough to support your child’s extracurricular activities, tutoring and other big expenses. Special and extraordinary expenses are a type of child support that are separate and in addition to …Continued
Many people don’t realize the various roadside prohibitions, driving offences or measures the government, or more specifically the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles (AKA RoadSafetyBC), can take to revoke a person’s driving privileges. Given how important licenses are to person’s livelihood, we know how important it is to assist our clients get their driving prohibitions cancelled. …Continued
A new year, a new tax! If you own a residential property in BC, this will affect you. It is called the Speculation & Vacancy Tax. What is the Speculation & Vacancy Tax? The speculation and vacancy tax is an annual tax potentially paid by owners of residential properties in designated taxable regions of B.C. …Continued
Even though your case won’t be affected, I want you to know about the changes to ICBC coverages effective April 1st 2019. 1. The maximum compensation allowed for a pain and suffering award will be reduced from $370,000 to $5500, unless an innocent accident victim can prove the injury is “major or catastrophic”. A “minor” …Continued
It’s not unusual for parents to have a jointly held bank account with an adult child. The question that arises upon the death of the parent, especially if there are other children of the deceased parent, is whose money is it? The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that when a parent makes a gratuitous …Continued